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Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a server-sided framework written in Ruby, widely used by startups to iterate quickly.

Cosmic makes a great Ruby on Rails CMS for your Ruby on Rails websites and apps.

Before adding any code, make sure to follow the Initial Setup at the start of this section to set up your content in Cosmic. Then take the following steps to add Cosmic-powered content to your Ruby on Rails apps:

1. Create a new Ruby on Rails app

If you don't have Ruby on Rails installed on your machine, you may need to start with:

gem install rails


gem install bundler

Create a new Ruby on Rails application by using the following commands in the terminal:

rails new cosmic-app --skip-active-record
cd cosmic-app

2. Install HTTParty Gem to make HTTP Requests

In the Gemfile, add the following line of code to the bottom of the file:

# Gemfile
gem 'httparty'

and to install the HTTParty gem run:

bundle install

3. Adding Cosmic Credentials to Rails app

To use your Read/Write Key and Slug of your Cosmic Bucket in a secure way in Rails, please run the following command on terminal:

EDITOR="vim" rails credentials:edit

Paste the following yml configuration in the text editor and save the file:

slug: <add cosmic bucket slug here>
read_key: <add cosmic bucket read key here>

4. Configure Autoloading for API Library

In config/application.rb, please add the following line in the class Application < Rails::Application to autoload API Wrapper when server starts. Add this line of code under config.load_defaults.

# config/application.rb
config.autoload_paths << Rails.root.join('lib')

5. Add the code for the API Wrapper

Add a new file structure in the lib folder.

cd lib && mkdir api_wrappers && cd api_wrappers && mkdir cosmic && cd cosmic && touch objects_wrapper.rb
cd ../../..

In the newly created lib/api_wrappers/cosmic/objects_wrapper.rb file, paste the following code:

# lib/api_wrappers/cosmic/objects_wrapper.rb
module ApiWrappers
module Cosmic
class ObjectsWrapper
COSMIC_CREDENTIALS = Rails.application.credentials.cosmic
def initialize
@read_key = COSMIC_CREDENTIALS[:read_key]
def fetch_posts
def fetch_objects(type)
resource = "#{@slug}/objects"
params = {
props: 'slug,title,type_slug,metadata',
read_key: @read_key,
type: type
response = get(resource, params)
return [] unless response.success?
def get(resource, params)
make_request('get', resource, query: params)
def make_request(method, resource, params)
uri = "#{BASE_URI}#{resource}"
HTTParty.send(method, uri, params)

6. Add Controller

Run the following command in the terminal to generate a controller with an index method and view for index.

rails g controller posts index

Go to config/routes.rb and set the newly created index method of PostsController as the root path. The code in the routes.rb would look like the one given below.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
get 'posts/index'
root to: 'posts#index'

Update the app/controllers/posts_controller.rb with the following code:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_cosmic_objects_wrapper
def index
@posts = @cosmic_objects_wrapper.fetch_posts
puts @posts
def set_cosmic_objects_wrapper
@cosmic_objects_wrapper =

6. Update Views

Render your posts in the app/views/posts/index.html.erb with the following code:

<% @posts.each do |post| %>
<div key=<%= post['slug']%> style='margin-bottom:20px;'>
<% if post['metadata'] && post['metadata']['hero'] %>
<img alt='' src='<%= post['metadata']['hero']['imgix_url'] %>?w=800&auto=format' width='400px' />
<% end %>
<div><%= post['title'] %></div>
<% end %>

7. Start your app

Start your app, and go to http://localhost:3000. Dance 🎉

rails s

Next steps

  1. Learn more about Objects.
  2. Learn more about Queries.
  3. Learn more about Metafields.