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Cosmic Extensions enable you to customize the Cosmic Dashboard experience to create custom experiences in your Bucket Dashboard. Pre-built Extensions are available for demo and install.

Screenshot of Cosmic dashboard

Getting started

Go to Bucket Settings > Extensions. There are pre-built Extensions available for install to extend the functionality of your Bucket. All of the code is open source. You can also build your own Extensions. They are simply single page apps (static web app built using HTML / CSS / JavaScript).

Adding an extension

  1. Go to Your Bucket > Extensions > Add Extension
  2. You can add either an Extension that points to a URL (https required, X-Frame Options enabled) or upload a zip file that contains a static web app.

Extension via external URL

You can add an Extension by URL (https required, X-Frame Options enabled), title and icon.

Screenshot of adding extension by URL

Query parameters

After adding your Extension, query parameters are attached to the URL for easy connection to your Bucket. The format looks like this:
bucket_slugYour Bucket slug. Use this to connect to your Cosmic Bucket for read / write / edits.
read_keyYour Bucket read key. Needed to read from your Bucket if this value is set in Bucket Settings > Basic.
write_keyYour Bucket write key. Needed for writes to your Bucket if this value is set in Bucket Settings > Basic.
[custom key / value]You can add unlimited custom query pamaters such as 3rd-party API keys to connect to different services. Find this in your Cosmic Extension settings page.

Extension via static web app

Check out the Extension Starter to see a basic HTML / CSS / JavaScript example.

Add a static web app Extension to your Bucket by uploading a zipped folder that includes at least the following required files:

. (Your extension folder)
├── extension.json (Optional)
├── index.html

Extension settings

The extension.json file sets information about your Extension. Add an optional Font Awesome icon to create a custom icon in the side nav. Add an image URL as the thumbnail image next to your Extension. Example:

"title": "Product Manager",
"font_awesome_class": "fa-tags",
"image_url": ""

Optional import data

Along with the Extension info, you can import data to the destination Bucket. By adding an objects array, you are able to import Objects. By adding an object_types array, you are able to import Object Types.

"title": "Product Manager",
"font_awesome_class": "fa-tags",
"image_url": ""
"objects": [
"title": "Product 1",
"slug": "product-1",
"type_slug": "products",
"metafields": [
"title": "Image",
"key": "image",
"value": "1234asdf1234.jpg"
"title": "Price",
"key": "price",
"value": "$12.99"
"title": "Product 2",
"slug": "product-2",
"type_slug": "products",
"metafields": [
"title": "Image",
"key": "image",
"value": "4321asdf1234.jpg"
"title": "Price",
"key": "price",
"value": "$14.99"
"object_types": [
"title": "Products",
"slug": "products",
"singular": "Product",
"title": "Image",
"key": "image",
"type": "file",
"value": ""
"title": "Price",
"key": "price",
"type": "text",

Preparing Your Extension for Upload

The static site folder contents:

Screenshot of how to compress build folder - Part 1

Compress the folder:

Screenshot of how to compress build folder - Part 2

Then upload the Extension to your Cosmic Bucket located in Your Bucket > Extensions > Add Extension.

Screenshot of add extension